Sally Liu is the fund advisor to the Tundra Glacier Fund, which is dedicated to the protection of our natural environment. Her focus areas include water, ecosystem conservation, soil health/regenerative agriculture, and plastic pollution. Sally also serves on the boards of The Pacific Institute, Sustainable Conservation, The Nature Conservancy – California Chapter, and Plastic Solutions Fund. She leads the Donor Circle for the Environment at the Silicon Valley Community Foundation.
She has worked as a scientist at The Nature Conservancy California Chapter, supporting the water program on protection of groundwater dependent ecosystems, environmental flows, and statewide strategies to restore the abundance and viability of California salmon. She also worked in environmental consulting for 18 years at Tetra Tech, working on water resource projects with expertise in environmental modeling. Projects ranged from acid rain modeling, pollutant transport models, and watershed modeling. Sally has a B.S.E. from Princeton University and a M.S.E. from Stanford University in water resources engineering.