As a professional team, but also as a group of passionate individual water advocates, we at the Water Foundation are excited to release our 2024 Strategic Framework. While rooted in the same values and approach the Water Foundation has stood on since our founding, we are eager to bring forth some new ideas on how we will maximize the impact of our work in the years to come.

Our 2024 strategy builds on the state policy work you’ve come to know from the Water Foundation, now with an expanded focus on federal policy. This includes continued work on water infrastructure through the Water Solutions Fund, as well as diving into clean water policy and water affordability issues.

Over the last few years, we have honed our theory of change, getting at what role the Water Foundation can most effectively play to bring about positive political and policy changes. Those changes might be legislation, administrative action, regulatory enforcement, basin planning and management, and/or public funding,but they all center on finding the right opportunities to drive the “policy wheel” toward equity and resilience. To turn this policy wheel and keep it turning, the Water Foundation isfocused on building power and capacity to strengthen our movement’s infrastructure, engaging in actionable storytelling that makes water a winning political issue, and mobilizing resources that can be invested at every turn of the wheel.

With that in mind, we are also considering establishing a 501(c)4 arm to complement our existing work. This would provide another tool for turning the policy wheel with more latitude into direct political engagement. We are in the early stages of consideration, and we welcome your thoughts and feedback as we broach this possibility.

This updated strategy recognizes our role in facilitating partnership amongst funders, notably through our hosting of the Water Table funder collaborative. The Water Table’s 12 member foundations work together to identify and advance shared priorities. These priorities align with our overarching mission and goals, are determined by Table members, and often extend beyond the Water Foundation’s grantmaking programs.

Last but certainly not least, our strategic vision for this year continues our previous work to deepen our diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) efforts. This shows up in the Water Foundation’s new vision, which sees every living thing with enough clean, fresh water to thrive and the decisions about water rooted in the communities they affect and the rights of nature. You’ll also see our DEIJ commitment show up in our program investments, as we aim to provide at least 30% of these investments to Black, Indigenous, Latine, Hispane, and/or People of Color-led and serving organizations.

As you read through the Water Foundation’s 2024 Strategic Framework, we hope you’ll find yourselves and your organizations in the work ahead. We look forward to the challenges and opportunities and are eager to find new ways to engage with you, your teams, and your communities.

Read the 2024 Strategic Framework here