
Leading on Water: Promising Opportunities for California’s Next Governor

December 3, 2018
South Fork of the American River
South Fork of the American River, Maria Thi Mai / Bureau of Land Management

California’s next governor will face major water challenges. In December 2018, the Water Foundation and our partners recommended six principles and six priorities for the next governor’s water agenda.

Six Principles to Guide the New Governor’s Water Management

  1. Prioritize balancing the broad range of California’s water needs.
  2. Build a water team that reflects the diversity of the state and works together to advance a shared agenda.
  3. Collaborate with federal, local, and tribal partners wherever possible. And defend state interests whenever necessary.
  4. Embrace multi-benefit approaches that can meet several needs at once.
  5. Anticipate and prepare for crisis.

Six Priorities for the New Governor’s Water Agenda

  1. Ensure safe and affordable water for all Californians.
  2. Eliminate water waste by improving conservation, efficiency, and water reuse wherever possible.
  3. Balance California’s groundwater and surface water supplies among our farms, cities, and environment and manage these supplies in an integrated way.
  4. Restore and sustain the natural health of our river systems.
  5. Help rural communities sustain their economies amidst water constraints.
  6. Encourage innovative use of data and technology to improve water decisions.

Read the full recommendations on how the next California governor can lead on water.