Areas of Work
Safe Drinking Water
Our work and investments focus on long-term operational solutions that treat contaminated water and stop pollution from entering water supplies, aiming to fulfill the human right to water for all residents.
Urban Resilience
Our investments help public agencies and nonprofits maximize financing programs for parks, transportation, and stormwater together, as well as create new green space and build community power in water governance. We have particular focus on the effective and equitable implementation of Los Angeles County’s Safe Clean Water Program.
Rural Resilience
Rural resilience underpins our investments in places like California’s Central Valley. It is also a developing area of dedicated grantmaking. We aim to build out work to help rural communities proactively avoid and respond to water-related shocks in ways in that minimize harm and spur renewal and equity.

Highlights from Healthy Communities
Water Boards: Pathways to Community Power
Community and justice groups are helping a new generation build their power and technical skills for values-based governance that listens and responds to the people who are most directly affected by water challenges.
Highlights from Healthy Communities
Report Puts Spotlight on Drinking Water Policy Advances and Challenges
In partnership with the US Water Alliance and water leaders across the country, we hope this report will help advance a deeper national dialogue on how communities, advocates, utilities, policymakers, and funders can collaborate to achieve and sustain the human right to water.
Highlights from Healthy Communities
Green Stormwater Infrastructure: Good Jobs and Healthy Communities
Take a Google Earth tour of Los Angeles County green stormwater infrastructure projects, from early adopters to new project designs.
Highlights from Healthy Communities
Water Solutions Are Climate Adaptation Solutions
We are undeniably already living with climate change. We’re focused on solutions that help communities and watersheds adapt to climate change that is already here, with a focus on places and people with the fewest resources to pull through and recover. (Photo by OurWaterLA)
Read more...Healthy Communities Program Team
Click a team member for their bio and contact information. View all Water Foundation staff.
Alesandra Nájera
Program Officer
About Alesandra -
Alexandra Paxton
Senior Program Officer
About Alexandra -
Jennifer Sokolove
Chief Program and Strategy Officer
About Jennifer