Safe Clean Water Grants Program

Public Education and Community Engagement Grants Program



This is an exciting opportunity to partner with Los Angeles County Flood Control District to advance the 14 goals of the Safe, Clean Water Program (SCWP)! The Safe, Clean Water Public Education and Community Engagement Grants Program (Grants Program) will support public education and community engagement efforts related to stormwater and urban runoff capture within the LA County Flood Control District. We encourage all interested parties to apply for funding, if eligible.

The Grants Program is now live! We encourage you to share information about this program far and wide. Download our social media toolkit here. Please scroll down and fill out the interest form if you’d like to receive updates on the program as it rolls out.

We welcome your feedback at any time on how to make future iterations of the program better. Please submit any feedback to

For general inquiries and grantee-related questions, please email

Program Materials

Interested in applying? Review the program materials below to learn more about the Grants Program and see if you’re eligible.

Program Deadlines

Applicants may submit proposals anytime between September 24, 2024 and April 4, 2025. Water Foundation will evaluate proposals and award grants in periodic batches. To be evaluated in a specific round, proposals must be submitted by the deadline for that round. Proposals submitted after each deadline will be evaluated during the following round.

The deadlines for the program are:

  • September 24, 2024 – Rolling application period opens
  • November 8, 2024 – Deadline for Round 1 of proposal evaluations (view the list of funded Round 1 grants HERE!)
  • January 31, 2025 – Deadline for Round 2 of proposal evaluations
  • April 4, 2025 – Deadline for Round 3 of proposal evaluations

***Update: Due to overwhelming interest in this program, we will likely not have money left after Round 3 for a first-come first-serve period, which was scheduled to close on May 31, 2025. We strongly recommend submitting your proposal by the Round 3 deadline of April 4, 2025 if you would like to be considered for funding.***

Informational Meetings

On 10/8/24, Water Foundation staff hosted an informational webinar introducing the finalized Grants Program to the public. Watch the recording below, and take a look at the AI meeting summary here.


Living Infrastructure Field Kit Webinar

Our colleagues at Accelerate Resilience LA (ARLA) and Spherical hosted a free webinar on 11/12/24, featuring a comprehensive demo of the Living Infrastructure Field Kit. Using this tool is not mandatory, but we encourage you to explore this fantastic resource that may help to inform your grant proposal for this Grants Program.

Catch the Zoom replay of the webinar HERE. Passcode: Qv8?H@tX

Application Tutorial

All Grants Program applications must be submitted via Water Foundation’s grants portal, GivingData. Watch the video below for a brief tutorial on how to navigate the application.

If you have questions about GivingData or run into any technical difficulties when submitting your application, please email





What is the purpose of the Public Education and Community Engagement Grants Program?

In November 2018, Los Angeles County voters approved the Measure W parcel tax to fund projects and programs to increase stormwater capture and reduce stormwater pollution through the SCWP. This ordinance also requires that a portion of funds be set aside for Public Education and Community Engagement Programs, enabling residents to develop an increased awareness of the SCWP and participate in achieving its goals. To fulfill that directive, LA County Flood Control District is partnering with the Water Foundation to develop and administer the Grants Program.

Who is eligible to apply for a grant?

Applications must be led by an organization that is tax-exempt under the Internal Revenue Code in one of the following categories:

    • Nonprofits, including community-based organizations (CBOs), Tribal organizations, and fiscal sponsors with 501(c)3, 4, 5, or 6 status;
    • Federally-recognized Tribes with Section 7871 status; or
    • Municipal agencies and school districts with Section 170(c)1 status.

What kinds of activities will the grants program fund?

Eligible grant activities include:

  • SCWP project-specific community outreach, including Technical Resource Program (TRP) project outreach 
  • Site visits, field trips, and tours
  • Tribal engagement
  • Support for collaboratives, trainings, convenings, water academies, and water leadership training
  • Community-led project concept development
  • Community meetings
  • Community needs assessments
  • Community science initiatives
  • Developing or updating curriculum and educational materials in diverse media formats, including videos, social media posts, fact sheets, visual art, and podcasts
  • Other similar public education and community engagement activities that advance the objectives of the Grants Program and overall SCWP goals

Are there any ineligible groups or activities?

The Water Foundation does not grant to private individuals or for-profit entities. However, a for-profit entity may enter into a subcontract with an eligible entity, who will lead the application and be responsible for reporting.

Additionally, the following activities are ineligible for grant funding:

  • Lobbying or electioneering at the state, federal, or local level (includes lobbying to LA County)
  • Any activity that is an ineligible expenditure under the SCWP Implementation Ordinance, as detailed in Section 16.05 (A)(3), including expenditures related to the investigation, defense, litigation, or judgment associated with any regulatory permit violations or any claim or action related to SCWP funds.
  • Any activity that falls under the scope or budget of a Watershed Coordinator contract (organizations with a Watershed Coordinator contract are still eligible to apply; see the FAQ further down this list for more information)
  • Any activity that does not qualify for one or more of the specific exemptions under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) described in Part “C” of this official checklist, or that is excluded by one or more of the exceptions described in State CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2, also described in the checklist to determine whether your proposed activities are exempt from CEQA review.

How much funding will be available?

$8.5 million will be available over the course of this funding cycle.

What is the timeline for being awarded a grant?

Applicants may submit proposals anytime between the September 24, 2024 and April 4th, 2025 application period. Water Foundation will evaluate proposals and award grants in periodic batches. To be evaluated in a specific round, proposals must be submitted by the deadline for that round. Proposals submitted after each deadline will be evaluated during the following round.

The deadlines for the program are:

  • September 24, 2024 – Rolling application period opens
  • November 8, 2024 – Deadline for Round 1 of proposal evaluation
  • January 31, 2025 – Deadline for Round 2 of proposal evaluation
  • April 4, 2025 – Deadline for Round 3 of proposal evaluation

If awarded a grant, how long do I have to spend the funds?

The timeline for spending the funds will depend on the length of the proposal activities, but all funds must be expended no later than July 31, 2026, and final reports submitted no later than September 30, 2026.

Are non-federally recognized Tribes eligible to apply?

Any entity associated with a non-federally recognized Tribe is eligible and encouraged to apply, provided that they have 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) status, or have a 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor.

Can a group of qualified entities apply together for the same proposal?

Yes, we support coordination between entities who would like to apply together for the same proposal, either under one lead applicant or as separate applicants. Please see the Notice of Funding Opportunity posted on this webpage for additional guidance. 

Are organizations that have a Watershed Coordinator contract or representation on a SCWP Committee such as a Watershed Area Steering Committee (WASC) or Regional Oversight Committee (ROC) eligible to apply?

Yes, these organizations are eligible to apply, as long as they are able to meet the responsibilities of both obligations capacity-wise. When performing activities funded through the Grants Program, Watershed Coordinators and WASC/ROC members should not identify themselves as such, but rather identify themselves as a grantee and/or the entity applying for the grant. Additionally, Grants Program funds should not be used for any activity that falls under the budget and scope of the Watershed Coordinator contract.

Can one organization submit multiple applications? Are there any funding caps?

Yes, multiple applications per organization are allowed, without additional funding caps beyond the general funding parameters of the Grants Program. However, in the interest of disbursing funds to a wide breadth of grantees, we cannot guarantee that all proposals from the same organization will be funded.

Is my proposal required to serve a Disadvantaged Community?

No, your proposal is not required to serve a Disadvantaged Community (DAC). However, proposals that do serve DACs will be weighted more favorably in the evaluation process.

Can an applicant based outside of LA County apply for funding?

Yes, an applicant based outside of LA County can apply for funding, provided that the grant-funded activities take place in and serve populations within the Safe Clean Water Program Watershed Areas of the LA County Flood Control District.